Spaces in directory names

When I try to change to a directory with a space in the name, I get a message saying "No such file or directory".
Is this normal? Can directories not have spaces in them or is there a setting I am missing that will allow me to access these directories?


SmartFTP allows to enter on dorectories with spaces, maibe it's server issue, as wirkarround you can try to do a manual dorectory change and writing the dorectory as "dorectory name"

Hi...Yeah, that's what I am doing...I can go into the directory by clicking on it. It is when I do a manual directory change that I run into the I type "cwd program files" and i get...

257 "/c:" is current directory.
CWD program
550 /c:/program: No such file or directory.

OOPS! OK OK, I went back and put the name in quotes and it worked just fine. I was not putting the directory name in quotes!

Thank you for the help.

Also, can you point me to a place where I may find a complete listing of manual commands and the duties they perform?

Thanks again.