SmartFTP and Windows XP Firewall


I've just installed the latest release of SmartFTP and I can't seem to log in to any of my sites.

It connects to the SmartFTP download site and a few others (McAffee, Gateway), but not any of my web servers?

If I disable Windows XP Firewall then it works fine. So it must be a setting in the configuration that needs to be changed. The error I get is:

'Connection timeout. No response from the server.'

Has anyone come across this before? Any suggestions most appreciated.

If "My Webservers" have local addresses - ie they're part of your Intranet you perhaps need to set up your web-browser to ignore the firewall for local addresses?

Thanks for the reply - however, I don't host the sites locally - they are on a shared (remote) server, which I pay to have access to through my hosting company.

I'm having the same trouble I can't upload to comcast server keeps timing out. I ran the update for smartftp and it install the new version and I still can't connected.

There was a post a few days ago that identified a problem with XP web sharing (see the last post in the thread):

Is this related?


Working today the FTP sever must of been down over the weekend, Thanks all for your help

My PC doesn't have ICS installed or activated.

I tried disabling the XP Firewall and installing Agnitum Outpost Firewall. With this program you can specify your trusted applications. I added SmartFTP to the list and authorised the FTP requests yet still it failed.

The only way I can get it to work is with no firewall running, which is not really a valid workaround.

Tiny Personal Firewall 5.00.1218 or better his trusted working ok with SmartFTP.

I've managed to get it to work with the Outpost Firewall. I installed SmartFTP with XP's Firewall turned off and Outpost turned on. During the setup program Outpost prompted me to either permit or decline access, so I set it to 'Allow'.

This has resolved the issue. The XP firewall must have blocked SmartFTP by default which seems strange. Hopefully the Outpost firewall will be more secure anyway. Thanks to those of you who replied with your suggestions.