FTP Problem....please help

i set up my computer today so i can use FTP from a remote location. good news is that i got it to work exactly how i wanted to. after a few hours of messing around with files and folder i could not connect to the FTP.

under smartFTP this is what i get

Resolving host name tomdlgns.xxxxxx.com...
Connecting to (tomdlgns.xxxxxx.com) -> IP: 12.2xx.18x.2xx PORT: xx
A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established con

when i tried it under command promt this is the message i get

> ftp: connect :Unknown error number

now this WAS working earlier and when it stopped working i did not mess with any settings. the only thing i was doing was transfering files from my pc to the FTP folder (not using smart ftp)

and those who are familiar with VNC viewer i use that. and instead of uding the computer name i use tomdlgns.xxxxxx.com:7 and i can view the screen of another pc on my network. all of a sudden that stopped working.

i donno whats wrong.

if anyone can help id appreciate it. lemme know if anyone needs more info.



Sounds like the other machine may be down?

Sounds like the other machine may be down?

well i set up FTP on one of my machines. i had a friend that could see my files via smartftp and cmd prompt. i didnt cvhange any settings or turn off any computers and i tried to ftp again and it just didnt work when i tried it.



So your friend can FTP and VNC from his/her machine succesfully. (S)He logs off and you try both FTP and VNC but can't connect with either. (S)He then tries again and is succesful with both?

OK, so the target machine isn't down but there's something between you and the target that isn't between your buddy and the target...

Assuming you're on the same network stub...

Do either of you have proxy settings?
Can you FTP/VNC anywhere else
Assuming you're not going through a proxy, can you FTP from the command prompt?
If you are going through a proxy and your settings are the same in SmartFTP, are your rights within the proxy the same?


So your friend can FTP and VNC from his/her machine succesfully.  (S)He logs off and you try both FTP and VNC but can't connect with either.  (S)He then tries again and is succesful with both?

OK, so the target machine isn't down but there's something between you and the target that isn't between your buddy and the target...

Assuming you're on the same network stub...

 Do either of you have proxy settings?  
 Can you FTP/VNC anywhere else
 Assuming you're not going through a proxy, can you FTP from the command prompt?
 If you are going through a proxy and your settings are the same in SmartFTP, are your rights within the proxy the same?


no what i meant was.....my friend could FTP my comp from his earlier in the day and then later on when i tried again it wouldnt work. i was not trying to VNC with my friend i was trying within my home network.

but i figured out what was wrong. my ip address changed on its own on my computer with the FTP setup. thats why i coudlnt connect. and that was also messing up my settings with VNC.

i assigned ip addy to each computer and a dns server. when i went back to my tcp/ip settings, the ip addy was set on obtain auto and the DNS was set to the one i originally supplied.

i dont know why that occured but that was the problem.

i didnt think to check that because i knew i didnt bess with the tcp/ip setting between the 2 times i used FTP. oh well its resolved now and next time ill know to check all assumptions before i post saying i cant figure out what step i missed. thank you for your help, though


Delighted you're sorted