HTTP Connection - Tunnel .. bug

hi all
first i would say here... SmartFTP is realy GREAT !
Today i installed the new version 1.0 Build 979, and i got
some problems with the Proxy type: HTTP Connection - Tunnel
1) when i configure this Proxy in Tools..Settings..Proxy
- everything does great!
2) BUT when i configure in Tools..Settings..Proxy NONE
(for all internal FTPs) and configure the
Proxy type: HTTP Connection - Tunnel in
for external FTPs -> the connect doesn't work !!!

any solution for this problem ?

Works for me.


thanks for this fast answer...
but have you tried with a proxy with authentication ?
our proxy use basic authentication.. and i think the problem
is related with this authentication.


after creating a new Favorite with the same configuration,
it works now without problems!
It seems this was a mistake from me ;-)

