Error 450

At the end of each files I upload it says 450 Transfer aborted. Link to file server lost.
The files doesn't work good, ie rar can't be extracted.
I'm using latest SmartFTP with passive mode and through http proxy.
What can be wrong ?

Any help is appreciated

Please could you post an example log.

200 Type set to I.
227 Entering Passive Mode (209,218,193,26,2**,2**).
Opening data connection IP: 209,218,193,26,2**,2** PORT: 56017.
STOR Crack_Zanzarak_Fr_V1[1].0.1.0.exe
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for Crack_Zanzarak_Fr_V1[1].0.1.0.exe
26624 bytes sent successfully. (13.00 KB/s) (00:00:02).
450 Transfer aborted. Link to file server lost.

The file gets uploaded, but not 100% it seems.
