connection closed?

Opening data connection IP: placehere,3 PORT: 36867.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
0 bytes received successfully. (0 B/s) (00:00:01).
Connection closed.
Resolving host name placehere...
Connecting to (placehere) -> IP: placehere PORT: 21
Connected to (placehere) -> Time = 140ms
Socket connected waiting for login sequence.
220 ProFTPD 1.2.8 Server (ProFTPD) []
USER nottelling
331 Password required for nottelling.
PASS (hidden)
230 User nottelling logged in.
215 UNIX Type: L8
211 End
257 "/" is current directory.
CWD /images
250 CWD command successful.
257 "/images" is current directory.
200 Type set to A
227 Entering Passive Mode (placehere,5).
Opening data connection IP: placehere,5 PORT: 36869.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
8279 bytes received successfully. (8.08 KB/s) (00:00:01).
226 Transfer complete.
227 Entering Passive Mode (placehere,6).
Opening data connection IP: placehere,6 PORT: 36870.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
0 bytes received successfully. (0 B/s) (00:00:01).
Connection closed.

It keeps closing the connection.

What i did is i uploaded a few images and it closed the connection straight after?, then i press F5 to reconnect and it just keeps closing?

I used placehere and nottelling to hide my thingies.

SAME PROBLEM... I dunno what OS you running?

I'm running Windows XP home edition and I have the same exact problem. I checked my registry (as that could be the only cause of the problems) and compared it to another computer on my network that doesn't have any problems running windows xp pro, and for some odd reason I am still having problems even after copying all the settings...

It can't be my internet either, cuz it works on 1 computer, but not THIS computer.

Well i have windows 2000, hardly ever have any problems.

I have another pc with xp home and have the same problem too, and i cant find the cuase?

It jsut randomly happens.

Transferring images in ASCII mode looks suspicious - set to binary and see if the fault continues.


well its on auto so thats what it chooses, i dont want to have to change every time i upload different things

Sure - but for diagnosis it may be worth a shot. I presume your files are *.jpg, *.gif etc?

my issue is that the connection cuts out after the retrieving file list, and the connection closes soon after. If I try to reconnect, sometimes smartftp caches the folder so it's just a matter of reconnecting 5 times to getting 5 different folder file lists...

2000 and XP both run similar kernels. I really would prefer it to not have to reinstall my OS...
Take note I have service pack 1 installed (as this was necessary for my USB 2.0 card, to be supported)...

well i have turned my cache off as its annoying as sometimes it loads a different time, turning this off has stopped it for me i dont get it anyomore

hope this helps you

I am having this same problem, and i have windows xp home edition. This didn't happen until I downloaded the new version. I tried switching to binary and it didn't work. :evil:

My connections keep timing out after 2-4.5 minutes for no apparant reason!!

I download fine, and then bam it times out. I cant figure out on this thing how to get it to auto-resume on its own while im away form it when this happens, which really sucks. Anyone know how?

heres the error message I get

426 Data socket timed out
PORT 24,127,182,174,12,21
200 Command okay.
Opening data connection IP: PORT: 3093

Anyone know what the hell gives? cuteftp didnt have this problem at all, but now cuteftp is not free and their trial lasts for like 1 download, CRAP!!


Well mine times out after 300 seconds which i think is my host doing it, check how long you host allows before ftp connections time out or it is smartftp doing it