problem w/ virtual directories?

I'm trying to connect to a friends server, and for some reason, the directory listing does not show up.

however, if i force smartftp to go to the directory, it will go to it (but still won't show up like normal). the directory isn't hidden or anything. I can see it fine if I were to use IE.

One thing to note is, these are virtual directories on the ftp server.

This problem came up after I installed the latest version of smartftp it seems.

Any ideas? I've tried the suggestion in the knowledgebase, but no good.


curious to as if anyone has seen problems w/ this still

Please post a log of your FTP session.

See the readme for further instructions how to write a bug report.

I looked at the raw FTP traffic on the other client and noticed that it was using the "LIST" command instead of the "MLSD" command. I then unchecked the box under "Transfer" under "Settings", disconnected from the site and reconnected. This worked. The hidden directories now show up and the extra files (shown in the listing of my previous post) do not show up. Hope this helps.

Ahh what an excellent bugreport :-) Thank you.

What FTP server are you connecting to?
Could you post the log of the login message as well?

The filenames you see in the MLSD output, are they correct?
$banner.txt or is it banner.txt without the $?