help pls

pls help me out. when i try to CHMOD anything in my ftp, i get this error
500 Valid SITE commands are: HELP.
thnx in advance.

Article 018 Created 08 Apr 2002
Modified 21 Feb 2003
Hits 1673

500 SITE not understood
500 Unkown command
500 SITE CHMOD command not understood
502 Command 'SITE' not implemented

The errors above will vary from server to server. The host ftp server does not support the "SITE" command. So this means since "Site" is not possible, you will not be able to send the "SITE CHMOD" command to set permissions on file(s) or folder(s). If you think the server does support CHMOD, then you will need to contact the Host of the ftp server for further assistance.
