Retry Delay question/problem

A site I've been visiting requests that the retry delay be set at 1 minute, lest one be accused of hammering. I complied and changed the dalay to 60 sec. When I log on to the site and it's full, , however, the message says 'will retry in 30 sec' and that's how log the dely is.

So, what am I missingt?

Oh, I'm using the latest release, 979.


Please post in the correct forum for future use. Thank you.

To answer your question. Most likely you have a 30 second retry
delay set in the favorites of this site, which you are connecting to.

So basically, what you will have to do is simply edit the favorite site,
via the properties, and set a custom "Retry Delay" of 60+ seconds.

Also make sure you reconnect to the favorite site, by opening a new
window, this way the new retry delay setting kicks in.