Files with no extension?

How do you get SmartFTP to put files with no extension at all as ASCII? For example, most GNU programs come with a file called COPYING which contains the license; SFTP tries to upload this as binary.

Usually this is not much of a problem but some applications contain PHP includes which have no file extension.

After reading the knowledge base article on regular expressions, I would have thought that putting .$ in the box would have done it, however this does not appear to work.

I am using SFTP 1.0.978.

Help on this issue would be much appreciated,



there is no problem with transfering them with Binary. you just need an editor which can handle unix/man lineendings.
i use SciTE as editor.


php doesnt care about the line endings used in the files. if you want to be sure save them as unix files on your windows box. (see my scite suggestion). most html/php editors should allow the lineendings conversion too.
