Ftp Site to Site?

I am a new user to SmartFTP. Seems like a great program. But...

It seems as if I should be able to FTP directly from one site to another by just dragging the file(s) from one window to the other, but I cannot. I hangs on me every time.

I must first FTP to Local, THEN FTP Local to the other site. This is obviously twice as time consuming.

I am probably doing something REALLY dumb here... but I sure can't figure what it is.

Anybody help be out there?


Thank you DJ

The movie helped... I missed it when I looked there.

I'll try it tonight.

Well... I tried it. Nope. Hung just as before.

It begins to transfer, sets mode to Passive and then just stops.

I followed the instructions in the movie exactly.

Seems there is a ctch 22 here... I pat the money to get the support from SmartFTP... and maybe it wokrs or maybe it doesn't... ot I just don't buy it and stay safe...

Anyway... any other ideas?

I just want to transfer files, directories, etc. between folders.
