Overwrite on upload

Im having problems configuring sftp to automatically overwrite a file on my FTP server if it already exists without asking in a dialog box.

I tried setting the option under settings>transfer>files>on file exist
but it doesn't seem to affect anything.

Can anybody help me out here?

Not all at once now...

Losing faith in the support aspect of this forum now, and the software. I'll only check back here once more, then im uninstalling the program.


If you have added the site to your favorites, edit the favorite site and in
the Transfer > Files settings, set the favorite site to any of the five options.

By the way, If you are transferring files for upload via the "Global Queue",
the "On File Exist" setting such as "Ask" will not work, but the others will.

I want to make it a global setting to auto over write... how?

"Tools > Settings > Transfer > "Files". Set the Upload "On File Exist" option to "Overwrite".

And if the site is added to your favorites, edit the favorite site and do the same, or you can
set it to "Use Global Setting", which is the "Tools > Settings" location. (Global Settings).