Win98 Download Speed Problem

Just started using SmartFTP on Win98 (ThinkPad laptop) and all of a sudden my download speed has been reduced drastically. When I was using Win2000 on my desktop, I was getting speeds in the 200+KB/sec range. Now, with Win98, I'm getting about 50KB/sec from the same site. The site I'm refering to is uncapped, and I had witten to the site admin, and he's heard of people getting slower speeds with Win98. So, what's the deal? Anyone got a remedy??

Stuck in the slow lane...

The behavior of the winsock / tcp/ip stack is different in Win9x compared to XP, 2k etc.

SmartFTP is optimized for modern OS like XP etc.

Updating your OS may be a very good choice.


A friend can easy go over 120 KB/s with windows 98 and smartftp, i go to test on a friend lan the speed.

Edit: 8000-9000 KB/s of lan speed using win 98se.