No it's not using ipv6, if it was using ipv6 you get something as:
Try to change PASV to PORT.
i've tried that unfortunatly. and it doesnt seem to help any.
this was never fixed it seems then? i dont want to report this to the people that make the program if it's an easy fix ^^
Is the file being transferred in binary mode?/ not seen the mode listed anywhere
Mine would say somethign like
Opening BINARY mode data connection
i've tried in bianary and ascii and auto, also with passive mode on and off for each mode =(
ive had this problem also and 3 of my friends who just downloaded it... ive tried uninstalling deleting everything and it doesn't work, all other ftp clients work fine... anyone figure out how to fix this, i love smartftp
Please upgrade to the latest development build, and set the "Transfer Type" to "Auto".
After updating, you should not experience any more problems with ASCII/Binary.