Help with connecting

I am a bit confused I don't have a firewall currently working on my computer, and I went through the forums today and looked at all the connection problems, and all of them say check your firewall.

I also checked with my host, and she said that I was doing everything completely right. My FTP address is, my username is affe and my password xxxxxxxxx. Everytime I try to log in I get this:

Resolving host name
Resolving host name
Connecting to Proxy ( -> IP: PORT: 21
A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...

Do you have to have a license to do this? Or can you use it for free? I don't have anyway to pay for a program with FTP, so I wouldn't be able to get a license. If you have to pay, is there any programs out there that you don't?

Thanks for helping.

Navigate to: Tools > Settings > Proxy -> "Type"

Set the proxy "Type" setting to -> "None".

Then reconnect to the server, and try again.

As for a license, you won't need one as long -
as you are using SmartFTP for personal usage.

How do you define personal use?
Do I qualify to use SmartFTP for free?

Thank you! it worked