Pb with proxy and favorites...


First, thanks for this great soft ! And sorry for my bad english ! :oops:

I had configurated SmartFTP 1.0.978 for the proxy of my work. Proxy type is USER user@host : it works fine for instant connexion or favorites i create, but not for existings favorites...

Is it normal or not ? Do i have to edit all favorites to update proxy config ?


PS.: I use it on a P4 1.7Ghz and WinNT4-SP6...

You will have to edit each one manually, or you can simply set the proxy in Tools >
Settings -> "Proxy"
and for each favorite, set the "Type" to "Use Global Setting".

Ok... thanks for your response.

Don't you think that it would be interesting to add an option (in the settings dialog box>connection>proxy) making it possible to apply the proxy parameters to all the favourites?


Yes, your suggestion does make very much sence.

Please make a thread in the "Enhancement Requests"
forum, this way there is a log for this suggestion there.

OK, thanks ! I'll do it !