Problem: Incomplete Downloads

I started a download from an FTP getting some back up files. I left the download running, and when I got back it was finished.


I look at the files, and they are all there, but their size is like 1mb or 500kbs when they should about around 8-10mbs.

So the SmartFTP downloaded all and there must have been some small error that came up or a connection thing and SmartFTP just skipped the rest of that file. I am re-doing the download and it is working now, so it is not a problem with the FTP Server.

Are there certain settings that need to be enabled or something like that to resolve this issue? I am almost certain there is a setting to resume after error, or something like that. (I also can't find any log file to confirm this, but I am almost positive)

So, for the tl;dr people: Is there a setting that will make SmartFTP download and resume even after an error.

I recommend you use the "Global Queue" for downloading.

This way files that fail (incomplete) will retry and resume successfully.

You may also want to enable the "Continue On Error" transfer option.

And "Resume" for the "On File Exist" options.

Tools > Settings > Transfer -> "Files"

Thanks a lot. I am going to leave now and keep my downloads on the FTP running. If anything happens, I will check back here. If it all goes smoothly, you won't hear back from me.

I appreciate your help.

One more tip. Set the "Server Timeout" setting to 600.

Tools > Settings > Connection -> "Connection Settings"

I would do that, but the servers I use don't like people being on the server doing nothing, so if you are idle for 60 seconds, they want you to leave.

But thanks for the help, things are working now. By the way, what is:
  • Tools -> Settings -> Transfer

    I searched the help files, but I couldn't find it. If you have a link that explains all this stuff could you post it. I don't want you to have to go through and explain all those pesky details, but if there is a link to all the information that I can't find, that would be apprecated.
