
my friend has been having problems with every ftp she uses.. i dont know why they dont work and i cant help her because she lives a few states away. this is the error she gets when she tries to upload anything (an image.. etc)
STOR Makeout1280_0.jpg
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for Makeout1280_0.jpg
Connection closed. Server timeout.
Connection closed. Server timeout.
Command aborted. Server timeout.
(makeout is the image name)

also.. when she uploads an image it starts to work.. and then it just will show that error. i also have no idea how to help her because i have never had an error with uploading into an ftp program.

if you can help that would be great. thanks a lot

Have her set the "Server Timeout" setting to 600.

Tools > Settings > Connection -> "Connection Settings"

If connecting from a favorite site, edit the favorite and do the same.

If the above did nothing, then have her toggle between "Passive & Active Mode".

Good Luck :!: