how do I start multi thread uploading

How do I setup SmartFTP so that I can use multiple threads to upload files? I saw it in Global Queue section, but I cannot add items to Global Queue and start the transfer... Can anybody help me?

Why can't you add item(s) to the Global Queue?

Explain your problem in fine detail, (Logs, System Info etc..)
this way the forum has a better idea of your problem.

Thanks for your reply and sorry for not making my query detailed!

While my connection to my friend's FTP is active (alive), from the menu I choose: Commands | Upload | Global Queue | Select files... but nothing happen at all. FIY, I'm using version 1.0.978 which should be the latest version.

I can only use "Session Queue" that I didn't see any setting for multi-threads uploading. Can anyone help?