FXP Problems please help

I am dong this post again sorry if the first one did actually go though it showed not going though on my browser.

I need some help please with a couple of things :

I am new to using smartftp for fxp, and I followed the tutorial on it but still seem to not be able to create a season que, the option never appears to me when I drag and drop the files to the other ftp site, it just states a direct fxp. any suggestions on what I could be doing wrong please ?

The other problem I have is that I need to be able to execute a file on a ftp site. Now with Flashfxp the command is "site exec " but I can find no similar thing on smartftp. The executiable file is set and ready to go on the other ftp site, but I can not work out how to make it work using smartftp, again any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

many thanks


1. FXP is not possible with the "Session Queue", only thru "Direct" and "Global Queue".
|- Please view the flash tutorials again.

2. This can be done using the "Command Line" feature.
https://www.smartftp.com/support/kb/inde ... view&id=46
Or make a "Custom Command". Commands > "Custom Commands"