Cannot Connect

I am having trouble connecting. This is what comes up...

Resolving host name
Connecting to (
Unknown error.
Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)..

I never had this problem before. Does anyone know what the problem is?

I've had the same problem before. It pissed me and my host off so much we just set-up a web based upload. But we never did solve the problem . Support is laking around here :?

Jeez, I'm dumb. I didn't have my computer for 6 weeks and forgot what I was doing :oops: . It was a simple fix, a moderator can close this now.

How do you fix this problem?

I put "" instead of ""... So I just needed to put ftp in front of it. I don't know if that was your problem or not, though.

You guys are probably using Win9x, where it lacks all kinds of socket errors..

So you get alot of: "Unknown error.".

Upgrade your OS