Resolving numeric address problem

When I connect to a site which has only numeric address such as '' instead of domain name such as '', SmartFTP will take quite a long time 'resovling host name'. But it's already a numeric address which need't resolving.
What an annoying bug. Other FTP clients don't behaive like this. Will this be fixed?

I can't say I see an issue with the resolving of IP addresses to host names.

I get the same speed with the resolving of IP's to a host name enabled/disabled.

You may want to check with the DNS servers for your host provider, they may be at fault.

By the way, you can also disable the resolving of IP addresses from the SmartFTP settings.

Menu: Tools > Settings > Connection -> "Reverse Lookup"

I can't say I see an issue with the resolving of IP addresses to host names.

I get the same speed with the resolving of IP's to a host name enabled/disabled.

You may want to check with the DNS servers for your host provider, they may be at fault.

By the way, you can also disable the resolving of IP addresses from the SmartFTP settings.

Menu: Tools > Settings > Connection -> "Reverse Lookup"

It become OK after I disable reverse lookup.
But I still suggest that this option should better be disabled by default.
But why?
    • Then, in then environment where DNS PTR records not configured well, average users will think it because of problem with this software, instead of improper ISP configuration or personal software configuration. While LeapFTP, CuteFTP, FlashFXP and other similar programs don't have this problem, this will prevent them from favouring this software. Most users do not have technological thoughts, just as "The Inmates Are Running the Asylum : Why High Tech Products Drive Us Crazy and How To Restore The Sanity" - one of Alan Cooper's book had indicated.