How do I create a new folder in the local browser?

I don't see how to create a folder in the local browser window. I am running WinXP and would normally do this in Windows Explorer from the "File" menu after highlighting the parent folder. I have tried all the pull-down menus and "right click" but don't see the command. Am I missing something?

Just to be clear, I can create folders all day on the remote system, I just don't see how to do it on the local browser. I would appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction!

right-mouse click into the listview (right pane).

select "New Folder" from context menu.


OK, thanks. That works. Maybe in the next version that option can be added to the command menu and maybe right-clicking on the parent folder like it works on the remote directory. Would be a little more intuitive...

An otherwise EXCELLENT piece of software!