Connecting to localhost, no answer

Hi !

I'm running into a problem when testing my FTP server with SmartFTP.
The FTP server is running well, people from outside are accessing it perfectly well.
But when I try to access from the same machine where it is running with SmartFTP, here is what I do and what happens:
Host : localhost
Port : something not 21
User : the good user
Pass : the associated pass

I press enter and a new window opens, saying :
Resloving host name locahost...
Connecting to (localhost)

And it stays there until it times out.
Fact is, my FTP server gets the connection and sends the greeting banner. And the problem is not with the FTP server because when I use another client (command line FTP, leechFTP, Netscape, IE...) it works perfectly well.

I tried to use my public IP instead, or or my network name, but nothing works, it's just like if SmartFTP was waiting for something more.

Here is the configuration
WinXP Home SP1
SmartFTP 1.0.976.7 (2003-05-18 00:35:32)

Anyway, SmartFTP is still one of the bests for my use.
Thanks for any help you can provide. If you want me to do some testing on your behalf, let me know

You have a firewall software instaled or you have instaled 1 on the past? Maybe you don't have allowed smartftp to connect if you have a firewall or it's bad uninstaled, some pp has reported similar cases on the past.

Yes, I do have a firewall installed.
But as I said, SmartFTP can connect to sites outside, and the firewall has nothing to do in there, this is not an application sandbox.
The more annoying part, is that if I can let my server online but close it.
In such case, when a client connects it receives a message stating the server is closed and the connection is terminated. And there, SmartFTP, receives the message and considers the answer.
But if the server is open, SmartFTP acts as if it never received any answer.
I tried to turn Log On, it clearly seems SmartFTP never processes the answer from the server
To me, it looks like a bug in SmartFTP as I can reproduce it, whatever the server I'm using (even a quick one I did myself for this test)