450 Requested file action not taken

I am just doing some experiments with a local FTP server (software: Jana Server 2.3, http://www.janaserver.de), and everytime I try to connect to the server, I receive an error 450 (Requested file action not taken).

I've changed nearly all settings in the server software 8), and the problem does not occur using the built-in Windows XP FTP client or the LeechGet FTP Explorer. Only when using SmartFTP..... I haven't had similar problems and I'd like to continue using SmartFTP.

Can you tell me what I've done wrong? Wrong settings perhaps? Neither active nor passive mode works, always the same error.

Thanks in advance !

I have the same problem - solution?

Hello ...

Please post a log of your FTP session.


SmartFTP v1.0.983.32
Resolving host name snap-sandiego...
Connecting to (snap-sandiego) -> IP: PORT: 21
Connected to (snap-sandiego) -> Time = 0ms
Socket connected waiting for login sequence.
220 Service ready for new user.
USER root
331 User name okay, need password.
PASS (hidden)
230 User logged in, proceed.
215 UNIX Type: L8 Version: SnapOS.
502 Command not implemented.
REST 100
502 Command not implemented.
200 Command okay.
REST 100
502 Command not implemented.
257 "/" is your working directory.
Compression disabled for private IP addresses.
200 Command okay.
227 Entering Passive Mode (10,5,0,250,5,91).
Opening data connection IP: 10,5,0,250,5,91 PORT: 1371.
450 Requested file action not taken. Inexistent file or no access rights.

Hello ...

Go to Settings->Transfer and clear the "Show Hidden Files" and the "Resolve Symbolic Links" checks. This removes the -al arguments from the LIST command.