latest dev. build????

When looking at:

you see this:

xx-Mar-2003 xx:xx
and beneath alot of fixes, but if you download the latest build from org you get the build from 04-Mar-2003 14:42, has dev. build stopped or am I missing something here...

As you see the public developments builds are stoped, but there are private development builds that are under testing.

I would like them to start again.

me2, the dev. updates were really nice But i guess they have a good reason not the publish them

me 2!!!
I although asked about the next pub dev B.
But I became NO answer!

Maybe they recived to many unwanted and known bugreports on the dev. builds and therefore started to tested them private.

Anway i can help testing them

Nahh just kidding, i know you want let me

Guess we have to be patient and wait for the next release, which should be out in the end of this month.

I don't think they should keep open dev builds constantly, because you will always get that certain element of people that will use them and keep bitching about it not being stable or what ever. When they are making some large modifications of code, they need time to do internal testing only and then open up dev builds when it gets closer to being stable. The only time I have seen good use of dev builds always being available is on open source.

My 2 c.

Public SmartFTP Development Build 974.32
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