
I'm a new user and i'm not sure bout the address input part, my server for my website is angelfire and i don't no what to put in i've tried www.angelfire.com and it won't work.

sth like ftp://ftp.angelfire.com/<your-site-name> ? perhaps?

or try to search their site;

I don't know :-(

and it's rather off-topic here because it's not smartFTP proghram related, so you will probably not find help here.

perhaps their Web Shell (link on left on www.angelfire.com) helps?

although this question is even more than off-topic, looking at http://angelfire.lycos.com/doc/general/ftpupload.html should help. btw: it took me about 10 seconds to find that out, although i don't know anglefire. i just searched google with "ftp upload angelfire". so, Bloodshotdave, please use your brain next time.