ASCII vs Binary vs Auto

How do I know I'm transferring files in each of these settings? I see the buttons, but nothing seems to happen when I click them.

I have a board upgrade that needs to be up'ed in ASCII:

but I'm not sure the ASCII protocol is being used. Am I missing anything? I'm using the latest version of SmartFTP.

While I'm posting, where is the CHMOD setting?

ASCII mode is what you use for text files (anything that you can open in a plain text editor -- txt, htm, html, cgi, pl, php.....)

Binary mode is what you use for anything else (images, rich text files, etc)

Auto mode is designed to make transfering files easier for you. It looks at a list of file types that you define as ASCII files (there are plenty of defaults in SmartFTP to get you started). If the current file being transfered is of that type, it will transfer it in ASCII mode. If it can't find that file type in the ASCII list, it will transfer it in Binary mode.

To CHMOD a file or directory, right click the item and select Properties/CHMOD. Note that CHMOD only works for a *nix server.

Thx epp_b.

For some reason my CHMOD is grayed out. I have no access to it, even tho I have a UNIX server (Solaris) and can set the CHMOD with Cute. Do you know why this might be, and how I can fix it?

If the instructions for a particular file x-fer specified that I *must* transfer in a certain mode (ASCII, for example), how do I know for certain that I am indeed x-ferring in that mode?

I see the buttons, and can click tham, but I have no way of knowing that they're working for me. How can I verify that, when I click the ASCII button, I'm x-ferring in ASCII mode?

Look at your log. Type A is ASCII, Type I is Binary. It should say something like or similar to:

Opening ASCII mode for transfering index.html

Go to Tools > Settings > Transfer > ASCII/Binary. There is a list of all the file types (defined with file masks) that will be transfered in ASCII mode. If the file type you are transfering is not in that list, it will be transfered in Binary mode. Trust me. It will.

You cannot CHMOD directories by right-clicking their icons in the directory tree on the left. It only works in the file-view.

Thank you, kindly.

u da man.

I'm having trouble finding the CHMOD setting. I have no 'File' menu.

My log says:

Entering Passive Mode (xxx,xx,xxx,x,xxx,xxx)
Opening data connection IP: PORT: xxxxx.
150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting.
498 bytes received successfully. (498 B/s) (00:00:01).
226 Listing completed.

Not file menu the "File-View" part of the window (the part of the remote Window that displays the files and folders). Right click on the icon or name of a file or folder, select Properties/CHMOD and you should be able to change them from there.

You are correct. It's there. You've been most helpful. My thanks.

Glad I could help