I cant get into SmartFTP

Resolving host name ftp://portland.co.uk...
No such host is known.
Connection closed.

It cant be my address, because I copy it directly from IE, so it goes into URL watcher but still I cant connect! Help?!

That's because the address that you have pasted don't exist the correct address is: ftp://ftp.portland.co.uk

Still doesnt work! Nothing does! I think its something to do with what ive entered for the "proxy" option in settings. Observe!
TYPE: (drop down menu) SITE hostname
Host: (box) ftp://portland.co.uk Port (box) 21

Is this right? I havent got a CLUE whats up

You need to use a proxy? If you need for sure the address is other, if no disable it.

Ping request could not find host portland.co.uk. Please check the name and try again.

[20:04:29] Resolving host name ftp.portland.co.uk...
[20:04:29] Connecting to (ftp.portland.co.uk).
[20:04:30] Connected to (ftp.portland.co.uk) -> IP: PORT: 21.
[20:04:30] Socket connected waiting for login sequence.
[20:04:41] 220 ProFTPD 1.2.0pre10 (mod_mysql, mod_sqlpw) Server (Portland (v)) [localhost.localdomain]