Drag 'N' Drop Problems

Has the drag 'n' drop been broken in the latest dev build? I only ask because when I use the last release build (1.0.973.0) everything is working fine, but as soon as I install the latest dev build (1.0.974.9) drag 'n' drop goes completely mad.

I am unable to drag files from the server to the local brower, but I can drag files from the server to the local folders view without any problems at all.

However, I have also found that on occasion I am able to drag file to the local browser successfully, but have the nice lady's voice tells me the transfer failed, even though the file(s) seemed to have transfered okay?

If I then re-install the release version again, everything is okay. Most odd and just a little annoying. I will stick with the release build for now...

+- System -----------------------------

Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
Service Pack 3 (Build 2195)

CPU Speed : 863 MHz
Total Memory : 391472 KB
Free Memory : 137356 KB

+- SmartFTP ---------------------------

Version : 1.0.974.9
Time Stamp : 2003-03-04 04:23:55

+- Application DLL --------------------

Controls.dll : 1.6.974.9
FTPAPI.dll : 2.0.974.9
Language.dll : 1.0.974.9
ResEng.dll : 1.3.974.9

+- System DLL -------------------------

shell32.dll : 5.00.3502.6144
shlwapi.dll : 6.00.2800.1106
comctl32.dll : 5.81
riched20.dll :
schannel.dll : 5.00.2195.5284

+- Internet Explorer ------------------

Version : 6.0.2800.1106

+- Winsock ----------------------------

Winsock : 2.2