Autmatically continue download after connection drop?

Can the SmartFTP be set to reattempt a download from an FTP server if the connection is being dropped. I'm using it to download files from a machine with an ADSL connection and the connection is being dropped somewhere between the machines - server reports '426 Connot Retrieve connection reset'? I want it to do an automatic reconnect and resume the download? Any ideas how to do this? I can manually resume it again ok.


Smart seems to lack 100% support of this IMO. Flashfxp works the best for this .. I use flash when its something important. I believe you will have better luck of reconnection VIA Global Queue. Also set the option "continue on error" in settings. You can find global queue by clicking under the help tab. There is a icon that says transfers click it. I have problems with smart crashing while using global queue though :


You will want to use the "Global Queue" for all you're resuming purposes.
The "Global Queue" will automatically connect and resume all transfer(s).

You may also want to take a closer look at the following settings:

Tools > Settings -> "Connection"

Tools > Settings > Transfer -> "Files"

Tools > Settings -> "Queue"



You may want to upgrade to the latest development build of SmartFTP, to
fix any crash issues you are experiencing, when using the "Global Queue".