I lost my connection history!! I NEED IT BACK!!

I lost my connection history!! I need all the address and user/passes that I have connected to in the past 5 days. HOW DO I GET IT BACK!! PLEASE HELP!!!

I have the index.dat files for each site!! They have the address user names and ports but I need to fin out the passwords!!! how do i get the passwords from the .DAT files?????

Did you delete them unintentionally through the settings? If you did, sorry, there's no recovery

The favorites.dat file has the passwords in it (only if you had the sites in your favorites), if you can trudge through all the odd characters in the file.

Also, history is not a reliable source for reconnecting to previous FTP sites. You should always store frequently used sites in your favorites.

i restarted the computer with smartftp running, then scandisk ran and said that smartftp (2 history files were truncated) can i still get em back?

Well, you may be able to recover these files from your hard drive with an "Undelete" program...

Webattack search on "Recover" and "Undelete"
Google search on "Recover" and "Undelete"

Try those. I guarantee you'll find something that will recover lost files (I'm not guaranteeing that you'll get these files, but the sooner you try the better)

Again, store your frequently used FTP sites in your favorites. Export your favorites to a text file and put the file on a disk.