Upload speed locked


I limited my queued download speed to 40KB/s a couple of weeks ago to 40KB/s (didn't want to max the line).

A couple of days ago I installed the new version.

Then I noticed that my UPLOAD speed to my xbox was limited to 40KB/s (it's has a 100Mb direct net connection - the usual speed is around 4-5000KB/s - if I use the w2k commandline ftp I get around 3500KB/s).

I looked through my setting and reset all restrictions to zero. Didn't help.

Just downloaded the latest develop edition. Didn't help.

I've played around with the max speed on the que and I can limit the speed to something below 40KB/s, but changing the limit to anything above 40 will still leave me with a transfere at precisely 40KB/s.

There doesn't seem to be any limit on my downloading.

Any ideas?

+- System -----------------------------

Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
Service Pack 3 (Build 2195)

CPU Speed : 1792 MHz
Total Memory : 392688 KB
Free Memory : 63112 KB

+- SmartFTP ---------------------------

Version : 1.0.974.4
Time Stamp : 2003-02-17 16:01:47

+- Application DLL --------------------

Controls.dll : 1.6.974.4
FTPAPI.dll : 2.0.974.4
Language.dll : 1.0.974.4
ResEng.dll : 1.3.974.4

+- System DLL -------------------------

shell32.dll : 5.00.3502.6144
shlwapi.dll : 6.00.2800.1106
comctl32.dll : 5.81
riched20.dll :
schannel.dll : 5.00.2195.5284

+- Internet Explorer ------------------

Version : 6.0.2800.1106

+- Winsock ----------------------------

Winsock : 2.2

I've the same problem, but upload speed is limited to 192KB/s.