Upload speeds are only 2-6KB/s . In binary or passive mode... All are jpg files. Is this normal? Is there any way to speed them up??!

What type of internet connection do you have? (DSL, Cable, 56K...?)

Have you tried connecting to a completely different server to check if it's not a problem with the other end?

How many applications do you have open that are accessing the internet connection at one time while using SmartFTP?

A suggestion would be to try using PORT mode (as opposed to PASV)

Binary and PASV mode, in no way, oppose each other as they are two completely different things. PASV mode is used instead of PORT, and BINARY (non-text file transfers) is used instead of ASCII (text file transfers). The context in which you put it is incorrrect

Thanks for reply.


-have one other application on another browser operating at same time,javascript:emoticon(':roll:')
Rolling Eyes

- sets itself to PASV by default!

56K is over-rated. From my experience with 56K connections, average transfer speeds are about what you're saying (although protocol can make a difference). There are so many different independent and dependent factors on how fast your connection speed is (ISP traffic, network capabilities and traffic, network accessing applications, etc, etc, etc....). Go with the flow....DSL or Cable (that is, if you can :? )

PORT mode might not work with 56k, but you can try it anyway. I think, by default, there is PASV button on the toolbar. Deselect this when connecting to a server you don't want to use passive mode. If you don't want to use passive mode for any servers: Tools > Settings > Connection > Switch to Active mode FTP. Some of your favorites may also be set to use passive mode. To change this: Favorites > Edit Favorites > Right-click favorite item > Properties > "Advanced" tab > Uncheck "Use Passive Mode".

Thanks again...

RE cable/DSL... aye... will eventually have to do that!

may I ask one other quick question... I am a photographer and trying to send high res (~6-18Mb) files to a buyer... Can the FTP upload etc affect the image integrity, such as noise,banding, etc??? 8O

56k v90 modems upload speed is only 33.6k that gives a theorical maximum speed of 4,2 KB/s

sjc: It will take infinity times forever to upload an 18MB file with a 56K connection ( ) and, NO, it should not, in any way, affect the quality, integrety, or any aspect of the image.