smartFTP won't delete files

smartFTP refused to delete a number of remote files -- another ftp client was able to do so immediately (same files; no errors, no problems) ;P I have not changed any default settings since downloading a few days ago. Anyone have any idea what is going on?

I am using smartFTP on a trial basis/testing to see if I should recommend it to my students...while it is free, easy to download, and I like the idea of the online readmes (good for students to read through in case they are interested in figuring out how ftp works), this sort of snafu is not adding points...



can you paste the connection logs of when you try to delete the files?
and your sstems specs.

thanks in advance.



Of course, after 2 days of not being able to delete the files, when I get help and go to delete and copy error logs, the files were successfully deleted. ;O what I remember of the previous error messages, however, is that permissions weren't granted. Have no idea why since I put the files on that remote site in the first place...

one other note tho:

I Was able to delete some other files at the beginning of the first session where I got the (first) error message. same sessions. However, I was Not able to delete the directories (folders) that contained those *deletable* files.

Dunno if any of that will help...would certainly like to know genesis/solution, however...

OS Win2KPro; on a Kayak Workstation.

Thanks in any case, (and thanks for quick response),


not sure, but perhaps a permitions problems, how do you create that fileS?
perhaps you need to review how you create them and what the permitions.



hmm, no, don't think it was a permissions problem...I was gonna check out the machines I used to originally send the files (several different ones), but in the meantime, other clients were able to delete the same files, and in the end, (several days and restarts of the client smartFTP later) even smartFTP was able to delete the ones I had (purposefully) left behind. Perhaps there is some setting re-set during one of the smartFTP re-starts. I guess, that is my question...If it is an emphemeral glich, I will certainly remember to save the logs to post here....

The interface for smartFTP is just not really inuuitive (I am Not an MS fan, it is true; however, the browser emulation leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to putting info up front for students new to ftp. Curious little things like needing to *refresh* a view might lead to mistakes (the red circle just is not informative on that count -- there is just too much going on in the window, and too many windows to watch for that to work.) Anyway, will see if it happens again -- until then, any best guesses (think basic interface, I believe, rather than ftp mechanism) are welcome!!!


mgolter ;}