sticking a forum on my site using smart ftp...

how the heck do I do it?

I could do it really slowly by adding folders seperately, but that would take too frickin long and be a painful process

how do i add a full directory with subdirectories at once?

The "Transfer" tutorials cover this, please take some time to view them.

I looked over them... but I couldn't see anything where it said how to upload directories and subdirectories... and i don't want to go through each one... could you possibly be more specific?

If a directory contains sub's in it, they will be transferred automatically as well.

The upload tutorials demonstrate first hand, how-to upload a directory, and the
contents they contain within them, using SmartFTP's drag & drop capabilities.

oh crap, it was so blatently obvious... i have no clue why i didn't see it

thanks for the help though