Incorrect Login

I recently lost all my PC data and have had to rebuild everything on a new hard drive.
I have downloaded SmartFTP program again and am trying to access the program. I keep getting the error message "login incorrect"
Here is what I am inserting:
Log-In: kiwilad
Password: xxxxxxxx
Port 21
Here is the Log data:

Resolving host name
Connecting to (
Connected to ( -> IP: PORT: 21.
Socket connected waiting for login sequence.
220 ProFTPD FTP Server ready.
USER anonymous
331 Password required for anonymous.
PASS (hidden)
530 Login incorrect.
Cannot login waiting to retry...

What am I doing wrong???

Tks for any constructive input

You are attempting to log in to the server anonymously. Looks like you forgot to type in your userid and password.

If you are just quickconnecting with the toolbar, type your userid by "Login" and password by "Password".

If your using the Favorites, right click and select properties on the item in favorites window (use Favorites > Edit Favorites to get there). Then type in your userid by "Login" and password by "Password".

If it still does not work, contact the sytem administrator for your userid and password, as you may have forgotten them romt he PC data loss.

Remove the "ftp://" prefix ...


Guys for your input.

I have removed the ftp as suggested. I am still unable to logon successfully.
I suspect that I may have forgotten the username/password

Is there someonme at Hewad Office that could provide these for me?

The retrieval of lost passwords is not handled by SmartFTP, or the users from this forum.
You will have to contact the host for help, as they are the only ones who can reissue your password.

I'm getting this same problem, but here's the thing... I have two other computers with Smart FTP and the same login information, and they both work. I cannot figure out what, if anything, is different about the login information I have on THIS particular computer.

I even started a new quick connect file on the computer that DOES work, with the same information, and it continues to work. However, nothing I do will make it work on this computer. It works on a third computer, as well. Both of those computers have Vista, while this computer (the one that doesn't work) has Windows XP.

If there is a setting that is incorrect, I don't know where to look for it. Ports, addresses, passwords and usernames are the same everywhere.