IO Buffer size setting not used in queued transferes

When transfering to a local ftp server (my xbox) over a 100Mb net, the IO buffer size i rather important and I've upped it to 1024kb. Works great and gives a transfere rate of about 4000KB/s (the xbox's ftp server has some problems which accounts for the rather low rate, but it's fast enough..)

Anyway, if I try and queue my transferes and use the "transferes->Global queue->Start" button performance drops to about 200KB/s, about the same as if I use the defalut IO Buffer Size value.

It seems to me that the transfere rutine used for the queued transferes ignores the IO Buffer Size.


You would need to upgrade to the latest "Development Build".

There have been a number of changes done to the "IO Buffer Size" feature.

Please take a look at the developer build change log thread:

Im uploading to my Xbox FTP and....

Im getting 96k/sec with latest dev build and 1024k buffer,
i get 5000k/sec with Flash FXP!!!!.

Any bright suggestions from the developers?

The only solution I've found for this problem is to downgrade to build 970. It fixed my xbox upload problems immediately. I found the old version on some chinese website.