How to Preserve Folder Date?


Is it possible to preserve the date and time on folders (directories) when transferring from the remote site to your local drive?

Thank you,

No. You can only preserve the date/time of files.

What date would you like to preserve?
Last Modified?

No. You can only preserve the date/time of files.

What date would you like to preserve?
Last Modified?

Folders only have the Date Created attribute (at least that's the only one I see when I view a folder's properties). I think it would be a great feature if SmartFTP were to have this capability. FileZilla doesn't have it either.

As an example, WinRAR is able to keep folder dates when you extract the contents of a RAR/ZIP file.

Actually this feature is already implemented but apparently broken. The bug fix will be available in the next build. Thank you for bringing it up :-)

The new version is avaiable now: