Hi, i have problems when downloading files. If download started from start all fine, but if i get connection timeout error all went bad on retry ;( Smartftp on retry adds 25 bytes to file start before resuming transfer, it contains text with name of server like this "220 SuperServer FTP" and when download started in continues from 26 byte by resuming. On small files it add text only from start, but if i had timeout error on big file smartftp adds this text to the end of file part that alredy downloaded each time, before download resumes after timeout error. I tryed v2.5 and last 3.0 version on Vista 64-bit Ultimate, Win2003 Server and my friend tryed it on WinXP pro SP3, same problem each time after timeout error. Maybe SmartFTP have some settings to fix this? May i some how set resuming file from -1000 byte point and if file size smaller download it from 0 bytes, not from 25? Sorry for my bad english