Transfer Queue and synchronization

How to synchronize data and add it to Transfer Queue between 2 PC?
C:\files\data to \\PC2\data
I install latest 3.0.1025.24 and now can't add to Transfer Queue and schedule synchronization

By default the transfer queue automatically synchronizes the source with the destination folder. To schedule a transfer please take a look at the Schedule tutorial at:

Use the Temporary Queue (Menu: View->Other Panes->Temporary Queue).
1. Drag&Drop the files from first Local Browser to the Temporary Queue
2. Drag&Drop the files from the Temporary Queue to the 2nd Local Browser.


This is only for local to local transfers?

This is only for local to local transfers?
I try only local.
My synchronized data contain folders in folders ( to 5-8 level)

New build 3.0.1025.27
bug remain