I have a bad connection to an ftp server where I get disconnected every few minutes. I often need to upload some large files and I rely on the resume facility to complete the uploads. However, the server will keep the file open for a period of time after a disconnection and this is where a problem occurs. See this piece of log.
[14:24:15] REST 2060424060
[14:24:15] 350 Restart at offset 2060424060
[14:24:15] 451 Can't create file "A539657C.DAT".
[14:24:15] 0 bytes transferred. (0 bytes/s) (187 ms)
[14:24:15] Restart not permitted. Overwriting the file.
This is a major problem as every few reattempts, the file starts at 0 again and it never completes. It's got up to 2GB in this case after several restarts over several minutes, and then it's restarted at 0 again. It does this over and over again and never finishes uploading the file.
Is there some way to prevent this from occuring? I will never want a restart to occur in any situation. It is wasting a lot of bandwidth and basically the software is not working as I thought it would.
[14:24:15] REST 2060424060
[14:24:15] 350 Restart at offset 2060424060
[14:24:15] 451 Can't create file "A539657C.DAT".
[14:24:15] 0 bytes transferred. (0 bytes/s) (187 ms)
[14:24:15] Restart not permitted. Overwriting the file.
This is a major problem as every few reattempts, the file starts at 0 again and it never completes. It's got up to 2GB in this case after several restarts over several minutes, and then it's restarted at 0 again. It does this over and over again and never finishes uploading the file.
Is there some way to prevent this from occuring? I will never want a restart to occur in any situation. It is wasting a lot of bandwidth and basically the software is not working as I thought it would.