Please post the log from your FTP session.
CCC is only sent if you have the [x] Clear Control Channel option enabled.
PROT C is only sent if you have the [x] Clear Data Connection enabled
Ok, this is one:
[13:03:31] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[13:03:32] Session Cipher: 168 bit 3DES
[13:03:32] TLS encrypted session established.
[13:03:32] 220 Welcome to Synchrony Gateway FTP server
[13:03:32] USER xxxx
[13:03:32] 331 Send password please
[13:03:32] PASS (hidden)
[13:03:32] 230 User logged in, proceed
[13:03:32] SYST
[13:03:32] 215 UNIX XFB/Gateway
[13:03:32] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[13:03:32] TYPE I
[13:03:32] 200 Command okay
[13:03:32] REST 0
[13:03:32] 350 Waiting for further information
[13:03:32] PWD
[13:03:32] 257 "/UID_1100080130597" is current directory.
[13:03:32] PROT C
[13:03:32] 503 Bad sequence of command
[13:03:32] CCC
[13:03:32] 500 Syntax error, command unrecognized
[13:03:32] TYPE A
[13:03:32] 200 Command okay
[13:03:32] PBSZ 0
[13:03:32] 503 Bad sequence of command
[13:03:32] PROT C
[13:03:32] 503 Bad sequence of command
[13:03:32] PROT C
[13:03:32] 503 Bad sequence of command
[13:08:31] Server closed connection
When using private control connection and file/list transfer I get this:
[14:56:51] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[14:56:51] Session Cipher: 168 bit 3DES
[14:56:51] TLS encrypted session established.
[14:56:51] 220 Welcome to Synchrony Gateway FTP server
[14:56:51] USER xxxx
[14:56:51] 331 Send password please
[14:56:51] PASS (hidden)
[14:56:51] 230 User logged in, proceed
[14:56:51] SYST
[14:56:51] 215 UNIX XFB/Gateway
[14:56:51] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[14:56:51] TYPE I
[14:56:51] 200 Command okay
[14:56:51] REST 0
[14:56:51] 350 Waiting for further information
[14:56:51] PWD
[14:56:51] 257 "/UID_1100080130597" is current directory.
[14:56:51] TYPE A
[14:56:51] 200 Command okay
[14:56:51] PBSZ 0
[14:56:51] 503 Bad sequence of command
[14:56:51] PROT P
[14:56:51] 503 Bad sequence of command
[14:56:51] PROT P
[14:56:51] 503 Bad sequence of command