Having problems downloading file ftp over SSH - here is the log text:
[09:45:45] Resolving host name ""
[09:45:45] Connecting to ##.##.###.### Port: 22
[09:45:48] Starting SSH session. Remote Id: "SSH-2.0-WS_FTP-SSH_1.1"
[09:45:48] Initiating key exchange.
[09:45:49] Computing session key.
[09:45:49] Key Exchange Algorithm: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
[09:45:49] Key exchange completed.
[09:45:49] Host Key Algorithm: ssh-rsa
[09:45:49] Client to Server Encryption: aes256-cbc
[09:45:49] Server to Client Encryption: aes256-cbc
[09:45:49] Session HMAC: hmac-sha1
[09:45:49] Client to Server Compression: none
[09:45:49] Server to Client Compression: none
[09:45:49] Authentication request. Method: "none"
[09:45:49] Server supported authentications: publickey,password
[09:45:49] Authentication request. Method: "password"
[09:45:49] User authentication successful.
[09:45:50] SSH session established.
[09:45:50] Connected to
[09:45:50] SFTP protocol version 4
[09:45:50] Detected Server Software: Ipswitch WS_FTP Server
[09:45:50] Resolving path "/users/xxx".
[09:45:50] Path successfully resolved.
[09:45:50] Getting attributes of "/users/xxx.txt".
[09:45:50] Attributes successfully obtained.
[09:45:50] Downloading file "/users/xxx.txt".
[09:45:50] Restarting at 0.
[09:46:51] Timeout (60s).
[09:46:51] Client closed the connection.
[09:46:51] Transfer failed.
[09:45:45] Resolving host name ""
[09:45:45] Connecting to ##.##.###.### Port: 22
[09:45:48] Starting SSH session. Remote Id: "SSH-2.0-WS_FTP-SSH_1.1"
[09:45:48] Initiating key exchange.
[09:45:49] Computing session key.
[09:45:49] Key Exchange Algorithm: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
[09:45:49] Key exchange completed.
[09:45:49] Host Key Algorithm: ssh-rsa
[09:45:49] Client to Server Encryption: aes256-cbc
[09:45:49] Server to Client Encryption: aes256-cbc
[09:45:49] Session HMAC: hmac-sha1
[09:45:49] Client to Server Compression: none
[09:45:49] Server to Client Compression: none
[09:45:49] Authentication request. Method: "none"
[09:45:49] Server supported authentications: publickey,password
[09:45:49] Authentication request. Method: "password"
[09:45:49] User authentication successful.
[09:45:50] SSH session established.
[09:45:50] Connected to
[09:45:50] SFTP protocol version 4
[09:45:50] Detected Server Software: Ipswitch WS_FTP Server
[09:45:50] Resolving path "/users/xxx".
[09:45:50] Path successfully resolved.
[09:45:50] Getting attributes of "/users/xxx.txt".
[09:45:50] Attributes successfully obtained.
[09:45:50] Downloading file "/users/xxx.txt".
[09:45:50] Restarting at 0.
[09:46:51] Timeout (60s).
[09:46:51] Client closed the connection.
[09:46:51] Transfer failed.