Purchasing earlier version

Helo and welcome,

Im satisfied user of free version of SmartFtp.. or rather i was until version 3.

In my opinion you have just passed the point where functionality of FTP CLIENT software should end. Ive tested v3 for a while and it absolutly dosn't do a trick for me. Its lots slower, 'eats' more resources and have some crazy visual and functional gadgets which are completly unecessary for me.

I would be happy to buy version 2 of your software if there would be such an option, but i cant find it :/

If its not possible then maybe you should think about 'classic' version of your software, similiar to that ACDSEE released when they break the point of 'image viewer' ;-]

Thanks in advance,
Wojciech Kucha

Dear Wojciech Kucha ..

You can purchaes a license at: https://www.smartftp.com/buy.php
This license can be used for version 2.5 and version 3.0. Then you can download version 2.5 from: https://www.smartftp.com/support/kb/smar ... f2599.html

If you have any questions or problems please let us know.
