Cannot download smartftp

I am trying to download Smartftp, but the following happens:
It starts to download SFTPMSI.exe
and gets as far as 692kb
Then a new dialogue box comes up:
"Publisher cannot be verified.
Are you sure you want run this software?
Then there are options of Run/Don't Run
When I choose "Run" everything disappears.
I have searched my computer but Smartftp hasn't been downloaded.

So, I went back to the download page and chose one of the options towards the bottom, where you go if you can't download from the normal place.
I chose the 32-bit option then had to choose from three options and chose 32 bit over FTP--I had no idea which one I should choose.
Then it started to download, but gave up after about 1.5 MB as it said it had timed out.
I should mention that I live on a boat, and so connbect to the internet via a mobile 'phone and the connection speed is very slow.
Any help would be gratefully received!! Thank you

Thanks Mat.

I went to an internet cafe and downloaded it. But now I cannot connect. I keep getting the message--cannot resolve host name. Should I be putting my domain name or my host name? I've read the tutorial, I've tried both host and domain name and get nowhere.
Thx in advance for the help

Please post the log here.

Thanks for your help. I hope this is what you asked for? Of not, please can you tell me where to find it?

[19:00:51] SmartFTP v3.0.1011.18
[19:01:07] Resolving host name "ftp.www.nblibertybelle.v]"
[19:01:08] Unable to resolve host name.
[19:01:08] Connect failed. Waiting to retry (30s)...
[19:01:38] Connection attempt 2...
[19:01:38] Resolving host name "ftp.www.nblibertybelle.v]"
[19:01:38] Unable to resolve host name.
[19:01:39] Connect failed. Waiting to retry (30s)...
[19:02:09] Connection attempt 3...
[19:02:09] Resolving host name "ftp.www.nblibertybelle.v]"
[19:02:09] Unable to resolve host name.
[19:02:09] Connect failed. Waiting to retry (30s)...
[19:02:39] Connection attempt 4...
[19:02:39] Resolving host name "ftp.www.nblibertybelle.v]"
[19:02:39] Unable to resolve host name.
[19:02:39] Connect failed. Waiting to retry (30s)...
[19:03:09] Connection attempt 5...
[19:03:09] Resolving host name "ftp.www.nblibertybelle.v]"
[19:03:09] Unable to resolve host name.
[19:03:09] Connect failed. Waiting to retry (30s)...
[19:03:39] Connection attempt 6...
[19:03:39] Resolving host name "ftp.www.nblibertybelle.v]"
[19:03:39] Unable to resolve host name.
[19:03:39] Connect failed. Waiting to retry (30s)...
[19:04:09] Connection attempt 7...
[19:04:10] Resolving host name "ftp.www.nblibertybelle.v]"
[19:04:10] Unable to resolve host name.
[19:04:10] Connect failed. Waiting to retry (30s)...
[19:04:40] Connection attempt 8...
[19:04:40] Resolving host name "ftp.www.nblibertybelle.v]"
[19:04:40] Unable to resolve host name.
[19:04:40] Connect failed. Waiting to retry (30s)...
[19:05:10] Connection attempt 9...
[19:05:10] Resolving host name "ftp.www.nblibertybelle.v]"
[19:05:10] Unable to resolve host name.
[19:05:10] Connect failed. Waiting to retry (30s)...
[19:05:40] Connection attempt 10...
[19:05:40] Resolving host name "ftp.www.nblibertybelle.v]"
[19:05:40] Unable to resolve host name.
[19:05:40] Connect failed. Waiting to retry (30s)...
[19:06:10] Connection attempt 11...
[19:06:10] Resolving host name "ftp.www.nblibertybelle.v]"
[19:06:11] Unable to resolve host name.
[19:06:11] Connect failed. Waiting to retry (30s)...
[19:06:41] Connection attempt 12...
[19:06:41] Resolving host name "ftp.www.nblibertybelle.v]"
[19:06:41] Unable to resolve host name.
[19:06:41] Connect failed. Waiting to retry (30s)...
[19:07:11] Connection attempt 13...
[19:07:11] Resolving host name "ftp.www.nblibertybelle.v]"
[19:07:11] Unable to resolve host name.
[19:07:11] Connect failed. Waiting to retry (30s)...
[19:07:41] Connection attempt 14...
[19:07:41] Resolving host name "ftp.www.nblibertybelle.v]"
[19:07:41] Unable to resolve host name.
[19:07:41] Connect failed. Waiting to retry (30s)...

\i hopr this what ypou asked for? Thanks for your help

There is a typo in your host name