I am trying to startup a new website with "godaddy.com". Boy I sure do miss my old Website host now !!!! I didn't have to deal with all this stuff.
I am extremely frustrated after watching the TUTORIAL 5 times to find that my connection just won't happen.
Setting up the FTP
I am typing ftp://websitename.com
When I filled in the website login name and password, I got a message that ftp addresses are ANONYMOUS and it renders the logon and password boxes disabled.
then I get stuck in a "retry loop" that never connects. I just spent a lot of time trying to negotiate my webhosting issues -- and I didn't expect that this would be such a hassle -- especially with a step-by-step tutorial... which seems to differ from the reality of my situation.
Anybody got any help? I need to go outside and stick my head in a snow mound. I am totally frazzled for one day.
I find endless forums for all my various issues with all my various software pieces a very time-consuming process to get a simple answer. I hope you can help... ... now where's that noose??
I am extremely frustrated after watching the TUTORIAL 5 times to find that my connection just won't happen.
Setting up the FTP
I am typing ftp://websitename.com
When I filled in the website login name and password, I got a message that ftp addresses are ANONYMOUS and it renders the logon and password boxes disabled.
then I get stuck in a "retry loop" that never connects. I just spent a lot of time trying to negotiate my webhosting issues -- and I didn't expect that this would be such a hassle -- especially with a step-by-step tutorial... which seems to differ from the reality of my situation.
Anybody got any help? I need to go outside and stick my head in a snow mound. I am totally frazzled for one day.
I find endless forums for all my various issues with all my various software pieces a very time-consuming process to get a simple answer. I hope you can help... ... now where's that noose??