SmartFTP with SmartPlaces?


hope this question is not too stupid... but I searched for a function in SmartFTP where I could store my favorit directories on a FTP Server.

I´ve found only Favorites for FTP Server but I very often on one Server and work on several folders. Cause that It would be a great help If I could stor those folders into a quicklink list so I can faster jump from one to the other folder. I found only the history window, but this will overflowed when you work longer on the Server.

Is the a hidden function which meets this?

For any hint, thank you very much.



You can try the "Bookmark" feature. To add a bookmark, right click on a folder then Change Directory->Add Bookmark.


You can try the "Bookmark" feature. To add a bookmark, right click on a folder then Change Directory->Add Bookmark.

Hello Mat,

thanks for that hint, it was new form me

Regretably it´s not exactly what i´m looking for cause you have only access to the folder favorite by right klick via mouse. Is it possible to navigate to the favorite folder on a server via klick on a Icon in the tool bar?
Like a dropdown of all saved favorite folder on this server. May like a workplace which I can store for each server. It think it would be a great help to get fast access to favorite folder especially when you have a deep folder structure on the server.

If you could store the folder favorites like common favorite you could even give a long folder path a more significant name

Best regards
