Unable to resolve host name

Logged in just fine this morning instantly. This afternoon I can't login. (Splurge below). I've used exactly the same info throughout. It happened the same with a different program - one time success and then never again!
Hope you can offer me some wisdom! Thanks.

[17:38:25] SmartFTP v2.5.1008.27
[17:38:26] Resolving host name ""
[17:38:26] Unable to resolve host name.
[17:38:26] Active Help: https://www.smartftp.com/support/kb/81
[17:38:26] Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...
[17:38:56] Continue to login attempt 2...
[17:38:56] Client closed the connection.
[17:38:56] Resolving host name ""
[17:38:56] Unable to resolve host name.
[17:38:56] Active Help: https://www.smartftp.com/support/kb/81
[17:38:56] Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...
[17:39:26] Continue to login attempt 3...
[17:39:26] Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...
[17:39:56] Continue to login attempt 4...
[17:39:56] Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...
[17:40:26] Continue to login attempt 5...
[17:40:26] Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...
[17:40:56] Continue to login attempt 6...
[17:40:56] Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...
[17:41:26] Continue to login attempt 7...
[17:41:26] Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...

Hello ..

"" is not a correct host name. Remove the ftp:// prefix:

To create a new connectino go to menu: File->New Remote Browser.
Then enter "" for the host.


Well, it worked this morning and I uploaded all my files. I used as the hostname which was given to me by my ISP.

I've just used it without the ftp prefix and got

[21:00:39] Connected to
[21:01:00] An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.
[21:01:00] Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...
[21:01:00] Server closed connection

Been on this for days...

Hope you can resolve it for me.


It's a firewall problem. Search the forum or read our kb articles on how to solve it. If you need assistance from us please purchase a license:


So can it be a firewall problem that suddenly exists after not existing before?

It seems to be intermittent, that's the thing.

Oh look!

I left the computer on last night, got up this morning, put smartftp on and it connected instantly.

See what I mean.

There's just no telling...

Ok. Now connection's not a problem but I'm getting this:

[07:42:46] SmartFTP v2.5.1008.27
[07:42:46] Resolving host name ""
[07:42:46] Connecting to Port: 21
[07:42:46] Connected to
[07:42:46] 220-Matrix FTP server ready.
[07:42:46] 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
[07:42:46] 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
[07:42:46] 220 Please note: files for your website must be stored under the htdocs directory.
[07:42:46] USER bespoke-marketing.co.uk
[07:42:46] 331 User bespoke-marketing.co.uk OK. Password required
[07:42:46] PASS (hidden)
[07:42:46] 230 OK. Current directory is /
[07:42:46] SYST
[07:42:46] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[07:42:46] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[07:42:46] FEAT
[07:42:46] 211-Extensions supported:
[07:42:46] EPRT
[07:42:46] IDLE
[07:42:46] MDTM
[07:42:46] SIZE
[07:42:46] REST STREAM
[07:42:46] MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*;
[07:42:46] MLSD
[07:42:46] ESTP
[07:42:46] PASV
[07:42:46] EPSV
[07:42:46] SPSV
[07:42:46] ESTA
[07:42:46] 211 End.
[07:42:46] Detected Server Software: PureFTPd
[07:42:46] PWD
[07:42:46] 257 "/" is your current location
[07:43:21] NOOP
[07:43:21] 200 Zzz...
[07:43:33] CWD /htdocs
[07:43:34] 250 OK. Current directory is /htdocs
[07:43:34] PWD
[07:43:34] 257 "/htdocs" is your current location
[07:43:34] Remote file exist check: "index.htm".
[07:43:34] TYPE I
[07:43:34] 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
[07:43:34] SIZE index.htm
[07:43:34] 213 679219
[07:43:34] MDTM index.htm
[07:43:34] 213 20080122073811
[07:43:34] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:43:38] PASV
[07:43:38] 227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,214,134)
[07:43:38] Opening data connection to Port: 54918
[07:43:38] STOR index.htm
[07:43:38] 150 Accepted data connection
[07:44:01] 679219 bytes transferred. (29.1 KB/s) (00:00:22)
[07:44:01] 226-File successfully transferred
[07:44:01] 226 22.898 seconds (measured here), 28.97 Kbytes per second
[07:44:01] MDTM 20080121140030 index.htm
[07:44:01] 550 Can't check for file existence
[07:44:01] MFMT 20080121140030 index.htm
[07:44:01] 500 Unknown command
[07:44:01] SITE UTIME index.htm 20080121140030 20080121140030 20080121140030 UTC
[07:44:02] 500 SITE UTIME is an unknown extension
[07:44:02] SITE UTIME 20080121140030 index.htm
[07:44:02] 500 SITE UTIME is an unknown extension
[07:44:02] SIZE index.htm
[07:44:02] 213 679219
[07:44:02] MKD /htdocs/index_files
[07:44:02] 257 "/htdocs/index_files" : The directory was successfully created
[07:44:02] CWD /htdocs/index_files
[07:44:02] 250 OK. Current directory is /htdocs/index_files
[07:44:02] PWD
[07:44:02] 257 "/htdocs/index_files" is your current location
[07:44:02] TYPE A
[07:44:02] 200 TYPE is now ASCII
[07:44:02] PASV
[07:44:02] 227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,155,73)
[07:44:02] Opening data connection to Port: 39753
[07:44:02] MLSD
[07:44:02] 150 Accepted data connection
[07:44:02] 226-Options: -a -l
[07:44:02] 226 51 matches total
[07:44:02] 6260 bytes transferred. (17.0 KB/s) (359 ms)
[07:44:02] Remote file exist check: "filelist.xml".
[07:44:02] TYPE I
[07:44:02] 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
[07:44:02] SIZE filelist.xml
[07:44:02] 213 1665
[07:44:02] MDTM filelist.xml
[07:44:02] 213 20080121110538
[07:44:02] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:05] PASV
[07:44:05] 227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,230,56)
[07:44:05] Opening data connection to Port: 58936
[07:44:05] STOR filelist.xml
[07:44:05] 150 Accepted data connection
[07:44:05] 1665 bytes transferred. (20.8 KB/s) (78 ms)
[07:44:05] 226-File successfully transferred
[07:44:05] 226 0.101 seconds (measured here), 16.08 Kbytes per second
[07:44:05] SIZE filelist.xml
[07:44:05] 213 1665
[07:44:05] Remote file exist check: "image001.gif".
[07:44:05] SIZE image001.gif
[07:44:05] 213 306
[07:44:05] MDTM image001.gif
[07:44:05] 213 20080121110538
[07:44:05] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:11] Skipping file "image001.gif". Reason: User action.
[07:44:11] Remote file exist check: "image002.jpg".
[07:44:11] SIZE image002.jpg
[07:44:11] 213 29340
[07:44:11] MDTM image002.jpg
[07:44:11] 213 20080121110539
[07:44:11] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:12] Skipping file "image002.jpg". Reason: User action.
[07:44:12] Remote file exist check: "image003.jpg".
[07:44:12] SIZE image003.jpg
[07:44:12] 213 2180
[07:44:12] MDTM image003.jpg
[07:44:12] 213 20080121110539
[07:44:12] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:13] Skipping file "image003.jpg". Reason: User action.
[07:44:13] Remote file exist check: "image004.gif".
[07:44:13] SIZE image004.gif
[07:44:14] 213 117
[07:44:14] MDTM image004.gif
[07:44:14] 213 20080121110539
[07:44:14] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:14] Skipping file "image004.gif". Reason: User action.
[07:44:15] Remote file exist check: "image005.gif".
[07:44:15] SIZE image005.gif
[07:44:15] 213 117
[07:44:15] MDTM image005.gif
[07:44:15] 213 20080121110539
[07:44:15] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:15] Skipping file "image005.gif". Reason: User action.
[07:44:16] Remote file exist check: "image006.jpg".
[07:44:16] SIZE image006.jpg
[07:44:16] 213 43720
[07:44:16] MDTM image006.jpg
[07:44:16] 213 20080121110541
[07:44:16] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:16] Skipping file "image006.jpg". Reason: User action.
[07:44:16] Remote file exist check: "image007.jpg".
[07:44:16] SIZE image007.jpg
[07:44:17] 213 8692
[07:44:17] MDTM image007.jpg
[07:44:17] 213 20080121110544
[07:44:17] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:17] Skipping file "image007.jpg". Reason: User action.
[07:44:17] Remote file exist check: "image008.gif".
[07:44:17] SIZE image008.gif
[07:44:18] 213 4844
[07:44:18] MDTM image008.gif
[07:44:18] 213 20080121110544
[07:44:18] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:18] Skipping file "image008.gif". Reason: User action.
[07:44:18] Remote file exist check: "image009.gif".
[07:44:18] SIZE image009.gif
[07:44:18] 213 1747
[07:44:18] MDTM image009.gif
[07:44:18] 213 20080121110544
[07:44:18] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:19] Skipping file "image009.gif". Reason: User action.
[07:44:19] Remote file exist check: "image010.gif".
[07:44:19] SIZE image010.gif
[07:44:19] 213 1726
[07:44:19] MDTM image010.gif
[07:44:19] 213 20080121110544
[07:44:19] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:20] Skipping file "image010.gif". Reason: User action.
[07:44:20] Remote file exist check: "image011.gif".
[07:44:20] SIZE image011.gif
[07:44:20] 213 9557
[07:44:20] MDTM image011.gif
[07:44:20] 213 20080121110545
[07:44:20] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:21] Skipping file "image011.gif". Reason: User action.
[07:44:21] Remote file exist check: "image012.gif".
[07:44:21] SIZE image012.gif
[07:44:21] 213 107
[07:44:21] MDTM image012.gif
[07:44:21] 213 20080121110545
[07:44:21] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:22] Skipping file "image012.gif". Reason: User action.
[07:44:22] Remote file exist check: "image013.jpg".
[07:44:22] SIZE image013.jpg
[07:44:22] 213 48909
[07:44:22] MDTM image013.jpg
[07:44:22] 213 20080121110547
[07:44:22] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:23] Skipping file "image013.jpg". Reason: User action.
[07:44:23] Remote file exist check: "image014.jpg".
[07:44:23] SIZE image014.jpg
[07:44:23] 213 9264
[07:44:23] MDTM image014.jpg
[07:44:23] 213 20080121110547
[07:44:23] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:24] Skipping file "image014.jpg". Reason: User action.
[07:44:24] Remote file exist check: "image015.gif".
[07:44:24] SIZE image015.gif
[07:44:24] 213 4603
[07:44:24] MDTM image015.gif
[07:44:24] 213 20080121110550
[07:44:24] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:25] Skipping file "image015.gif". Reason: User action.
[07:44:25] Remote file exist check: "image016.jpg".
[07:44:25] SIZE image016.jpg
[07:44:25] 213 380807
[07:44:25] MDTM image016.jpg
[07:44:25] 213 20080121110601
[07:44:25] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:26] Skipping file "image016.jpg". Reason: User action.
[07:44:26] Remote file exist check: "image017.jpg".
[07:44:26] SIZE image017.jpg
[07:44:26] 213 5587
[07:44:26] MDTM image017.jpg
[07:44:26] 213 20080121110601
[07:44:26] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:27] Skipping file "image017.jpg". Reason: User action.
[07:44:27] Remote file exist check: "image018.gif".
[07:44:27] SIZE image018.gif
[07:44:27] 213 4576
[07:44:27] MDTM image018.gif
[07:44:27] 213 20080121110603
[07:44:27] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:27] Skipping file "image018.gif". Reason: User action.
[07:44:27] Remote file exist check: "image019.gif".
[07:44:27] SIZE image019.gif
[07:44:27] 213 107
[07:44:28] MDTM image019.gif
[07:44:28] 213 20080121110603
[07:44:28] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:28] Skipping file "image019.gif". Reason: User action.
[07:44:28] Remote file exist check: "image020.gif".
[07:44:28] SIZE image020.gif
[07:44:28] 213 87
[07:44:28] MDTM image020.gif
[07:44:28] 213 20080121110603
[07:44:28] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:29] Skipping file "image020.gif". Reason: User action.
[07:44:29] Remote file exist check: "image021.gif".
[07:44:29] SIZE image021.gif
[07:44:29] 213 87
[07:44:29] MDTM image021.gif
[07:44:29] 213 20080121110603
[07:44:29] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:30] Skipping file "image021.gif". Reason: User action.
[07:44:30] Remote file exist check: "image022.gif".
[07:44:30] SIZE image022.gif
[07:44:30] 213 87
[07:44:30] MDTM image022.gif
[07:44:30] 213 20080121110603
[07:44:30] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:30] Skipping file "image022.gif". Reason: User action.
[07:44:30] Remote file exist check: "image023.gif".
[07:44:30] SIZE image023.gif
[07:44:31] 213 87
[07:44:31] MDTM image023.gif
[07:44:31] 213 20080121110606
[07:44:31] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:31] Skipping file "image023.gif". Reason: User action.
[07:44:31] Remote file exist check: "image024.gif".
[07:44:31] SIZE image024.gif
[07:44:31] 213 107
[07:44:31] MDTM image024.gif
[07:44:31] 213 20080121110606
[07:44:31] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:32] Skipping file "image024.gif". Reason: User action.
[07:44:32] Remote file exist check: "image025.gif".
[07:44:32] SIZE image025.gif
[07:44:32] 213 4558
[07:44:32] MDTM image025.gif
[07:44:32] 213 20080121110606
[07:44:32] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:33] Skipping file "image025.gif". Reason: User action.
[07:44:33] Remote file exist check: "image026.jpg".
[07:44:33] SIZE image026.jpg
[07:44:33] 213 3563
[07:44:33] MDTM image026.jpg
[07:44:33] 213 20080121110608
[07:44:33] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:34] Skipping file "image026.jpg". Reason: User action.
[07:44:34] Remote file exist check: "image027.jpg".
[07:44:34] SIZE image027.jpg
[07:44:34] 213 133685
[07:44:34] MDTM image027.jpg
[07:44:34] 213 20080121110611
[07:44:34] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:35] Skipping file "image027.jpg". Reason: User action.
[07:44:35] Remote file exist check: "image028.jpg".
[07:44:35] SIZE image028.jpg
[07:44:35] 213 3790
[07:44:35] MDTM image028.jpg
[07:44:35] 213 20080121110611
[07:44:35] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:35] Skipping file "image028.jpg". Reason: User action.
[07:44:35] Remote file exist check: "image029.jpg".
[07:44:35] SIZE image029.jpg
[07:44:35] 213 170449
[07:44:35] MDTM image029.jpg
[07:44:36] 213 20080121110617
[07:44:36] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:36] Skipping file "image029.jpg". Reason: User action.
[07:44:36] Remote file exist check: "image030.jpg".
[07:44:36] SIZE image030.jpg
[07:44:36] 213 2172
[07:44:36] MDTM image030.jpg
[07:44:36] 213 20080121110617
[07:44:36] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:37] Skipping file "image030.jpg". Reason: User action.
[07:44:37] Remote file exist check: "image031.jpg".
[07:44:37] SIZE image031.jpg
[07:44:37] 213 3548
[07:44:37] MDTM image031.jpg
[07:44:37] 213 20080121110619
[07:44:37] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:38] Skipping file "image031.jpg". Reason: User action.
[07:44:38] Remote file exist check: "image032.jpg".
[07:44:38] SIZE image032.jpg
[07:44:38] 213 4501
[07:44:38] MDTM image032.jpg
[07:44:38] 213 20080121110619
[07:44:38] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:39] Skipping file "image032.jpg". Reason: User action.
[07:44:39] Remote file exist check: "image033.jpg".
[07:44:39] SIZE image033.jpg
[07:44:39] 213 53174
[07:44:39] MDTM image033.jpg
[07:44:39] 213 20080121110622
[07:44:39] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:40] Skipping file "image033.jpg". Reason: User action.
[07:44:40] Remote file exist check: "image034.jpg".
[07:44:40] SIZE image034.jpg
[07:44:40] 213 10205
[07:44:40] MDTM image034.jpg
[07:44:40] 213 20080121110622
[07:44:40] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:41] Skipping file "image034.jpg". Reason: User action.
[07:44:41] Remote file exist check: "image035.gif".
[07:44:41] SIZE image035.gif
[07:44:41] 213 117
[07:44:41] MDTM image035.gif
[07:44:41] 213 20080121110624
[07:44:41] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:41] Skipping file "image035.gif". Reason: User action.
[07:44:41] Remote file exist check: "image036.gif".
[07:44:41] SIZE image036.gif
[07:44:41] 213 4591
[07:44:41] MDTM image036.gif
[07:44:41] 213 20080121110624
[07:44:41] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:42] Skipping file "image036.gif". Reason: User action.
[07:44:42] Remote file exist check: "image037.gif".
[07:44:42] SIZE image037.gif
[07:44:42] 213 1240
[07:44:42] MDTM image037.gif
[07:44:42] 213 20080121110624
[07:44:42] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:43] Skipping file "image037.gif". Reason: User action.
[07:44:43] Remote file exist check: "image038.gif".
[07:44:43] SIZE image038.gif
[07:44:43] 213 1184
[07:44:43] MDTM image038.gif
[07:44:43] 213 20080121110624
[07:44:43] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:44] Skipping file "image038.gif". Reason: User action.
[07:44:44] Remote file exist check: "image039.png".
[07:44:44] SIZE image039.png
[07:44:44] 213 20894
[07:44:44] MDTM image039.png
[07:44:44] 213 20080121110625
[07:44:44] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:45] Skipping file "image039.png". Reason: User action.
[07:44:45] Remote file exist check: "image040.gif".
[07:44:45] SIZE image040.gif
[07:44:45] 213 1788
[07:44:45] MDTM image040.gif
[07:44:45] 213 20080121110625
[07:44:45] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:45] Skipping file "image040.gif". Reason: User action.
[07:44:45] Remote file exist check: "page0001.htm".
[07:44:45] SIZE page0001.htm
[07:44:45] 213 126279
[07:44:45] MDTM page0001.htm
[07:44:45] 213 20080121110630
[07:44:45] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:46] Skipping file "page0001.htm". Reason: User action.
[07:44:46] Remote file exist check: "page0002.htm".
[07:44:46] SIZE page0002.htm
[07:44:46] 213 134987
[07:44:46] MDTM page0002.htm
[07:44:46] 213 20080121110635
[07:44:46] No rule matched. Default Action="Ask".
[07:44:50] PASV
[07:44:50] 227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,114,196)
[07:44:50] Opening data connection to Port: 29380
[07:44:50] STOR page0002.htm
[07:44:50] 150 Accepted data connection
[07:44:54] 135041 bytes transferred. (30.0 KB/s) (00:00:04)
[07:44:54] 226-File successfully transferred
[07:44:54] 226 4.573 seconds (measured here), 28.84 Kbytes per second
[07:44:55] SIZE page0002.htm
[07:44:55] 213 134987
[07:44:55] File size mismatch.
[07:44:55] CWD /htdocs
[07:44:55] 250 OK. Current directory is /htdocs
[07:44:55] PWD
[07:44:55] 257 "/htdocs" is your current location
[07:44:55] TYPE A
[07:44:55] 200 TYPE is now ASCII
[07:44:55] PASV
[07:44:55] 227 Entering Passive Mode (213,171,193,5,227,46)
[07:44:55] Opening data connection to Port: 58158
[07:44:55] MLSD
[07:44:55] 150 Accepted data connection
[07:44:55] 226-Options: -a -l
[07:44:55] 226 69 matches total
[07:44:55] 8336 bytes transferred. (26.0 KB/s) (312 ms)
[07:44:55] Transfer failed. Use the Transfer Queue for automatic retries.
[07:45:26] NOOP
[07:45:26] 200 Zzz...
[07:45:44] QUIT
[07:45:44] Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...
[07:45:44] 221-Goodbye. You uploaded 797 and downloaded 0 kbytes.
[07:45:44] 221 Logout.
[07:45:44] An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.
[07:45:44] Server closed connection
[07:45:48] Continue to login attempt 2...
[07:45:48] Resolving host name ""
[07:45:48] Connecting to Port: 21
[07:45:48] Connected to
[07:45:48] 220-Matrix FTP server ready.
[07:45:48] 220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
[07:45:48] 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
[07:45:48] 220 Please note: files for your website must be stored under the htdocs directory.
[07:45:48] USER bespoke-marketing.co.uk
[07:45:48] 331 User bespoke-marketing.co.uk OK. Password required
[07:45:48] PASS (hidden)
[07:45:48] 230 OK. Current directory is /
[07:45:48] SYST
[07:45:48] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[07:45:48] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[07:45:48] FEAT
[07:45:48] 211-Extensions supported:
[07:45:48] EPRT
[07:45:48] IDLE
[07:45:48] MDTM
[07:45:48] SIZE
[07:45:48] REST STREAM
[07:45:48] MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*;
[07:45:48] MLSD
[07:45:48] ESTP
[07:45:48] PASV
[07:45:48] EPSV
[07:45:48] SPSV
[07:45:48] ESTA
[07:45:48] 211 End.
[07:45:48] Detected Server Software: PureFTPd
[07:45:48] PWD
[07:45:48] 257 "/" is your current location
[07:46:20] NOOP
[07:46:20] 200 Zzz...
[07:46:51] NOOP