Connected but blank remote browser

I have several ftp remote servers that I can connect to with SmartFTP, but one in particular keeps giving me problems just with SmartFTP. When I connect to it, SmartFTP says my login and connection was successful and says it's displaying the directory, but it shows no files or folders.

I can connect to other ftp servers and it shows the file structure fine, but this one specific server shows nothing. I can ever manually enter new folders to change to and it works, but it never shows the contents of the folders. I've also tried using other ftp programs, and they all seem to work fine connecting to the this server and displaying its contents.

Any ideas on fixing this would be great because this is my main ftp work server and I'd prefer to keep using SmartFTP. Thanks

Hello ..

Post the log of your FTP session: ... f2564.html

If the directory listing is successful but SmartFTP doesn't display anything please post the raw directory listing of the folder. To get it right-click on the folder and select "Show Raw Listing" from the context menu.


Thanks for the reply. Here's my log (I changed the domain & IP address, obviously):

[14:44:34] SmartFTP v2.5.1008.27
[14:44:34] Resolving host name ""
[14:44:34] Connecting to Port: 21
[14:44:36] Connected to
[14:44:36] 220 FTP server ready.
[14:44:36] USER jcrosby
[14:44:36] 331 Password required for jcrosby.
[14:44:36] PASS (hidden)
[14:44:37] 230 User jcrosby logged in.
[14:44:37] SYST
[14:44:37] 215 UNIX Type: L8 Version: BSD-199506
[14:44:37] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[14:44:37] FEAT
[14:44:37] 211-Supported features:
[14:44:37] REST STREAM
[14:44:37] ADAT
[14:44:37] AUTH
[14:44:37] CCC
[14:44:37] CONF
[14:44:37] ENC
[14:44:37] MIC
[14:44:37] PBSZ
[14:44:37] PROT
[14:44:37] MDTM
[14:44:37] UTF8
[14:44:37] SIZE
[14:44:37] 211 End
[14:44:37] OPTS UTF8 ON
[14:44:37] 200 UTF-8 encoding enabled
[14:44:37] PWD
[14:44:37] 257 "/" is current directory.
[14:44:37] TYPE A
[14:44:37] 200 Type set to A.
[14:44:37] PASV
[14:44:37] 227 Entering Passive Mode (255,255,255,255,255,255)
[14:44:37] Opening data connection to Port: 53635
[14:44:37] LIST -aL
[14:44:37] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for directory listing.
[14:44:37] 39 bytes transferred. (629 bytes/s) (62 ms)
[14:44:37] 226 Transfer complete.

When I try to "Show Raw Listing", I get the popup error "Cannot find the .txt file. Do you want to create a new file?"

Any problems you see or other suggestions to help?

From the log it actually looks like the directory is empty as only 39 bytes have been transferred:
[14:44:37] LIST -aL
[14:44:37] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for directory listing.
[14:44:37] 39 bytes transferred. (629 bytes/s) (62 ms)

Can you post the log from another FTP client so we can compare both?


Sure, here's a the log from a significantly older ftp program I'm fond of using, LeapFTP. I wanted to try something more up-to-date, so that's why I'm trying to get SmartFTP to work. Anyway, here's the log fom LeapFTP for connecting to the same remote server.

Connecting to, Port 21 (#1)
Resolved host as:
Connected. Waiting for response.
220 FTP server ready.
USER jcrosby
331 Password required for jcrosby.
PASS xxxxxx
230 User jcrosby logged in.
215 UNIX Type: L8 Version: BSD-199506
257 "/" is current directory.
200 Type set to A.
PORT 255,255,255,255,255,255
200 PORT command successful.
LIST -al
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for directory listing.
226 Transfer complete.
Transfer done: 502 bytes in 0.015 secs (33.47 k/sec)

I can also connect via GoFTP, another program I recently downloaded to try out, but I haven't figured out how to copy its activity log.

Hello ..

Disable the [x] Resolve Symbolic Links in the directory listing options: ... -f137.html

Also please purchase a license for technical support:
